Beginning the Search

When I learned that I was going to be a father, I was ecstatic. This was something I had looked forward to my entire life. More recently, I have read some books that shed light on what it means to be an impactful father that molds and guides their children into good and meaningful people. Greg Hague’s book “How Fathers Change Lives” was one of the books I read, and I highly recommend it.

However, in addition to these more secular reads, I wanted to find a basis in scripture for what it means to be good father. So, to find this quickly, I googled “bible verses on fathers” or something like that. I clicked the first link, and I was shocked to see only three verses. 3. The Christian Bible tells the story of a Father consumed by love for His children, and google’s first hit on my very logical search revealed only three verses.

Now they were good verses, don’t get me wrong, and after more searching I found a lot of good stuff, but the thought came to me that “this search shouldn’t be this hard.” In the age of technology and information everywhere, there should be ample guidance on how the Bible instructs fathers to raise their children to reflect the image of Christ.

That resonated with me. Because the Bible is more than an instruction with verses giving the dos and don’t of how to live a Christ-centered life. It is also filled with hundreds of examples of real people who walked this earth, who tried and failed, and tried and succeeded in honoring God with their lives. Their responses to God in their own human story give fantastic examples of what it means to be a man or woman of God, and in so doing, how to act as a father to guide your children in The Way.

Therefore, I am going to do a few little exposes on some major biblical players and how they modeled what to do and what not to do as people and as father’s following God.

The first five I am going to look at are Adam, Moses, Boaz, Jesse, and Hosea. Should be exciting.

Stay tuned…

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